Saturday, May 17, 2008


Well this morning I was looking at somebody's facebook page, and and saw this! It is only the COOLEST thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the reason that this is only my new favorite thing is because of my amazing smartness! As we ALL know I am definately not the brightest lightbulb in the tanning bed! So, my friend (Hector) decided it would be real funny to call me Short Bus. He mentioned that he was going to call me this, but it took a while before he actually did. Well the first time he said, "SHORT BUS, come here!" I imediately answered! So this picture is the coolest because it very muchly depicts ME!!!! Love this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know i am special!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Okay so here is finally some proof of you trip to disneyland!!!! it was WAY WAY fun! My cousin Megan and her baby Breck came with us to disneyland which TOTALLY made it 30x funner! my favorite ride was screamin, and space mountain, and most all of the other ones!!!!
so here is some pictures so some people will stop bugging me about it (HECTOR!)

So this picture is my mom and i on the buzz lightyear astro blaster things! i look like i have some mental disorder, when really all i am trying to do is shoot the little Zs on the wall!

This is me at Seaworld petting a stingray! they felt really awesome! BTW i am the frizzy-haired one with the blue and brown shirt on! I looked great all during our trip!

This is the Sandiego Temple. or what you can see of it considering this was taken on the freeway!
I think that it looks like something out of candyland. It was super beautiful, the picture doesn't do it justice.
This here is us at the rainforest cafe! i look really great right here, once again! i am also really sunburned but you cant tell! my mom thinks her hair looked crumby but we were on vacation, o well!

And this is not me or my parents! this is megan, her son breck, and her husband tom! this is totally the coolest picture EVER!!! i just had to put it on here, because it displays how much fun we really did have!

this is my dad on one of our favorite rides, THE MALIBOOMER! i wasnt on it at this time, but it was a way cool ride. this is how it goes. it shoots you 180 feet into the air in like a second or so, then back down half way, then back up, then down, and you get off, barely able to walk in a strait line! it was way fun! i also like the barf-gaurds in front of you. (the plastic shields!) so ya that was fun!

this picture is sideways, but it is my mom and i about to go watch this show called, "Its tough to be a bug," that is 3-D! it was way cute, but they made us wear this lovely little glasses! cute, i know! and so this is the foyer out side the theater with a bunch of buggy movie brouchures! this was my favorite, so we had to get a picture with it. So behold in all its glory, the DUNG and I!!

so ya we totally had the funnest time ever! it was great but i am glad to be back in idaho! even if we got snow last week! it was like 95 degrees in Cali! tooooo hot for me! it was way fun to see our family and to go to disneyland! so ya now you can see the pictures and stuff about our trip!