Friday, March 28, 2008

This is my life in a nutshell.

I aquired much of my insanity to the people I hang around!!! We do a ton of random things and have an attention spand of about .oooooo1 seconds. There is never a dull moment when I am around them, I am always smiling. I have a great life!!!! These people make me giggle at least once EVERY day!!!!

This is my friend kelli, I know you've seen this picture before but it is a choice example of what kinds of stupid things we do.
And this is my friend Hector. I don't quite know what to say about this but this is like I said, my life, my friends, in a nutshell


Monday, March 24, 2008


These are my favorite people ever!!!!!!!!!! These are all of the girls on my mom's side. On this side we are all super-close anyway, but all these beautiful ladies are my favorite!!! Out of 13, from the bride over (to the right) are all of the girl cousins we have, including me. Being the youngest, I look up to all of these cousins like my sisters. I really love to be around them, and hope I can be like them. All of my aunts, my grandma, and of course my mom are all inspirations. They are all women that are great examples and, even if unknowingly, have showed me how to be a good person. They are all women that I will always love!

From Left: Aunt: Kerri, JoDee, Chris, Mom, Grandma, Cousin: Amy, Rachel, Me, Megan, and Brittany.


Saturday, March 22, 2008


THis is my best friend kelli rae and I being complete idiots! my dad took these pictures for us!

I really don't know what the heck is going on here!!!! i look really possesed!!!!

Okay this one is sorta cute! we are kinda spacing off though!

Here is one that we actually being serious

the pic at the top of my blog is my favorite!!!
so anyway this is one of my favorite people eva!!!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


So I guess I have a blog now!! I have many different names i have been dubbed. Kendee, that was my parents idea, Grace, sorta self-explanetary how I got that, Short Bus, (thanks Hector) I guess I am a ditz, and every once in a while a select few call me Kenny! I also get called many different things by the ignorant that happen to not be able to say it! so any way as you an tell by my title I LOVE fiddling! I have been playing since I was five. (8 years total) I have placed in several contests across the state. I also love math (I know weird!). So anyway here is my blog!

So if you haven't figured out why I am named grace the above picture should define it for you!!