Friday, March 21, 2008


So I guess I have a blog now!! I have many different names i have been dubbed. Kendee, that was my parents idea, Grace, sorta self-explanetary how I got that, Short Bus, (thanks Hector) I guess I am a ditz, and every once in a while a select few call me Kenny! I also get called many different things by the ignorant that happen to not be able to say it! so any way as you an tell by my title I LOVE fiddling! I have been playing since I was five. (8 years total) I have placed in several contests across the state. I also love math (I know weird!). So anyway here is my blog!

So if you haven't figured out why I am named grace the above picture should define it for you!!


Hector said...

that awesome that you have your own blog!Keep them a'comin.

Hepworth Family said...

Kendee! (Candi! hehe)
Just thought that I'd say Hi and tell you that I'm excited to see your blog! I've got Meg & Tom on my link so you should look them up too! It's been fun to see them grow up over there in California even though we aren't there!
Love yah!

bree said...

nice! this really refelects teh graceful you we all know.

Tess Moffett said...

Kendee, you and Kelli are so wierd! (in a good way) I am so happy right now! Life rocks for me, and I love the picture of you and the other person in that virtual space thing! Hilarious! Love life, and love me even more!